Note: Screenshots may not reflect the final version of the app.
Get Excited! Here is what you learn (subject to modification):
- Introduction to Python: Learn variables, indentation, and comments.
- Data Types: Explore int, float, str, bool, list, tuple, set, dict.
- Numbers: Work with integers, floats, and arithmetic operations.
- Conditions: if, else, elif, boolean values, comparison, and logical operators.
- Strings: String manipulation, concatenation, indexing, and slicing.
- Lists and Tuples: Learn list operations, immutability in tuples, and common methods.
- Loops: Use for loops, while loops, and the range() function.
- Sets: Understand set properties and perform union, intersection, and difference.
- Dictionaries: Work with key-value pairs and common dictionary methods.
- Functions: Define functions, use arguments, return values, and lambda functions.
- Modules: Import Python libraries like math and random.
- Error Handling: Handle exceptions using try, except, and finally.
- Class Basics: Learn basic object-oriented programming, classes, and objects.
- Final Project: create a small quiz program using the code judge in the app.